jueves, 1 de diciembre de 2011

Perlas de Princeps Corp: XT-850 Reimbursment Request Form

Con el cierre de puertas de Princeps Corp, y con el permiso de mis colegas, voy a abrir el archivo de los foros privados de Princeps para rescatar algunos de los posts más inolvidables o interesantes para disfrute colectivo. Estuvimos allí, y así lo vivímos.
La primera perla se remonta a cuando Atlas había caído (Un cambio de foro previo hace que no tengamos acceso a todo lo anterior (que era mucho, y eso me anima a desarrollar esta serie de entradas). La corp estaba desmoralizada y, a la espera de destino, matáamos el rato campeando la entrada desde imperio al low sec donde hacíamos staging. Gosthbird, que más tarde dejó la corporación, es el protagonista de esta historia con la que nos reímos hasta la extenuación. Yo fui testigo de que es una historia real.


señores he de admitir que me siento como una sucia rata mojada de alcantarilla al escribir esto pero....

La historia es como sigue

Tenemos a un pobre pollo en Scorpion que entra en Avair y es brutalmente tabicado por nosotros ..el pollo me abre convo y .... lean lean

[00:10:06] Ghostbird > yup?
[00:10:38] DjBubzee > you just score a fleet of 57 scorpions and 20 widows hunting you down
[00:10:53] Ghostbird > omg really?
[00:10:58] DjBubzee > gd luck
[00:11:05] Ghostbird > im trembling
[00:11:07] DjBubzee > you have around 7minuits
[00:11:16] DjBubzee > bye
[00:11:33] Ghostbird > uhhh why CANT we be friends?
[00:12:14] DjBubzee > um because you just destoyed my ship
[00:12:22] Ghostbird > T_T
[00:12:28] DjBubzee > it was sneaky al give you tht
[00:12:52] Ghostbird > hAVE u filled the princeps form XT-700?
[00:13:25] Ghostbird > it would have u granted free acess to the system
[00:13:35] Ghostbird > is nothnig personal i just work here
[00:13:55] DjBubzee > and i get those form where?
[00:14:15] Ghostbird > well u can contact any diplo
[00:14:29] Ghostbird > ill send u one to ur mail if u want
[00:16:13] DjBubzee > so the fight was my mistake
[00:16:31] DjBubzee > how do i leave with you attaking then?
[00:16:33] Ghostbird > well u just sismply not informed of the polithics
[00:18:03] DjBubzee > i could call off my fleet attack till this is sorted out?
[00:18:05] Ghostbird > next time we can avoid any nasty battles if u just fill the form
[00:18:12] Ghostbird > wait ill send it to ur mail
[00:19:59] DjBubzee > i had some nice stuff on ht ship too
[00:20:05] DjBubzee > tht
[00:21:24] DjBubzee > how arranged tht attack, it was quick impressive
[00:21:27] DjBubzee > who
[00:22:16] Ghostbird > if u want i can invite one of our diplos to the conversation so u can complain if u wish
[00:23:08] DjBubzee > I'm not omplaining infact Im intersted in recruitment?
[00:23:13] DjBubzee > complaining
[00:23:22] DjBubzee > not mail yet
[00:23:25] DjBubzee > no
[00:23:32] Ghostbird > yup im on it
[00:24:31] DjBubzee > atleast am insured
[00:24:33] DjBubzee > lol
[00:24:50] Ghostbird > just sent the mail
[00:25:10] Ghostbird > next time u coming to avair pls fill the form and let us know in advance
[00:26:37] DjBubzee > i replyed btw
[00:27:21] Ghostbird > okies u should have filled the form answering with numbers
[00:27:24] Ghostbird > but its okay
[00:27:34] Ghostbird > u going to enter again soon?
[00:27:57] DjBubzee > not soon
[00:28:10] DjBubzee > is it just this solar system?
[00:28:15] Ghostbird > kk please next time let us know in advance so we can grant u acess
[00:28:29] Ghostbird > this system and nearby low secs
[00:28:34] Ghostbird > is our controled space
[00:28:39] DjBubzee > can i speak to som1 about recruitment?
[00:28:51] Ghostbird > actually were not recruiting people sorry
[00:29:39] Ghostbird > well sorry for the inconvenience my friend is nothnig personal just our corp polithics
[00:29:54] DjBubzee > well am about to undock from moon 5 and leave that ok?
[00:30:28] Ghostbird > yup u can leave without problem
[00:33:49] Ghostbird > kk djbuzee im closing this convo, please remeber to fill correctly the form and contact me or any of our diplos next time u enter the system to avoid any hostility
[00:33:52] Ghostbird > o7

En cuanto al formulario XT-700 es este:

-------------------------------- FORM XT-700
From: Ghostbird Sent: 2010.09.18 00:24
To: DjBubzee,
This form is to safely demand acess to system Avair and nearby low sec systems
Please state the reason of ur acess request
1- Mining 2- Misioning 3- Planet stuffs 4- General Carebearing 5- Pew Pew
Please state the ship ull be bringing
1-frigate 2-Destroyer 3-Cruiser 4-Battlecruiser 5-Biger that that
Anythnig in the cargo bay to declare?
1-nothnig 2-just regular stuff 3-Some loot 4-pew pew stuff and poinhty objects
Please state the stimated lenght of ur permanency
1-today 2-tomorrow 3-a week 4-a month 5-permanently
Thanks for your interest in filling this form, please submit it to ur sender, and many thanks
Decir que el pollo me contesto, no relleno el formulario, pero contesto con esto:

bought products to be transported into hek

El caso es que la cosa no termina aqui, por lo visto el pollo queria que le devolviesemos el loot
asi que aqui sigue la conversacion

[00:35:08] DjBubzee > lol
[00:36:41] DjBubzee > i may past through or around with widows in future, i cannot state why tho. it isnt my place
[00:37:19] DjBubzee > a rejection may declare war, i hope that isnt the outcome
[00:37:57] DjBubzee > expect to here from us wuth-in ten - 15 days
[00:38:05] DjBubzee > with-in
[00:38:23] DjBubzee > one widow will past through at a time
[00:38:56] Ghostbird > uhh sorry was afk
[00:39:25] DjBubzee > fake form?
[00:39:41] Ghostbird > no is our way of making things
[00:40:08] Ghostbird > just ftake the caution to fill it and send to me or any of our diplos
[00:40:34] Ghostbird > and i can guarantee there will be no hostilities
[00:40:36] DjBubzee > is there anyway to get some of my hip back?
[00:40:41] DjBubzee > ship
[00:41:01] Ghostbird > for that u should fill the XT-850 reimbursement request
[00:41:23] DjBubzee > may i have it
[00:41:39] DjBubzee > plus i didnt even shot any of them ships
[00:42:08] Ghostbird > u want a copy of the XT-850?
[00:42:14] DjBubzee > please
[00:42:26] Ghostbird > kk let me find it and sent to ur mail
[00:44:58] DjBubzee > thanks
[00:46:02] Ghostbird > too many forms we got here .. im on it pls be patient
[00:46:30] DjBubzee > no problem pal
[00:47:53] Ghostbird > kk found the damn thing
[00:48:07] Ghostbird > is not usual people demand these forms but just send u to ur mail
[00:49:03] DjBubzee > cheers man, i just hope the fact i didnt open fire helps
[00:49:12] DjBubzee > what do you thinkmy chances are
[00:49:18] Ghostbird > sure thats somethnig on your favor
[00:49:42] Ghostbird > well since u were not hostile chances are considerable
[00:50:29] Ghostbird > all this problem would have been avoided with the XT-700 but since its all done now the XT-850 is ur best option
[00:51:45] DjBubzee > I actually glad it happend now and not with a bigger ship
[00:51:58] Ghostbird > yup thats fortunate

y aqui teneis el form XT-800

XT-850 Reimbursment Request Form
From: Ghostbird
Sent: 2010.09.18 00:47
To: DjBubzee,

PRINCEPS XT-850 Reimnbursment Request Form
Only For pilots that lost ships in avair and nearby systems due to princeps direct fire
Please State the ship u lost:
Please State The pilots Involved:
Please State Any valuables Lost:
Please Note that any reimbustmen aproved by the high council may request the filling of subsidiary tax arancel forms as aproved in the corp act. Ull be informed of the progression of your request, many thanks and sorry for your loss
Al cual el pollo contesta con esto:

Re: XT-850 Reimbursment Request Form
From: DjBubzee
Sent: 2010.09.18 00:51
To: Ghostbird,

XT-850 Reimbursment Request Form
From: Ghostbird
Sent: 2010.09.18 00:47
To: DjBubzee,

PRINCEPS XT-850 Reimnbursment Request Form
Only For pilots that lost ships in avair and nearby systems due to princeps direct fire
Please State the ship u lost:
Scorpion (already received 13m in insurance)
Please State The pilots Involved:
Please State Any valuables Lost:
Nothing of my request
Please Note that any reimbustmen aproved by the high council may request the filling of subsidiary tax arancel forms as aproved in the corp act. Ull be informed of the progression of your request, many thanks and sorry for your loss

y el final de la conversacion:

[00:51:58] Ghostbird > yup thats fortunate
[00:52:21] DjBubzee > Im fairly new but am getting there
[00:52:42] DjBubzee > i sent an email
[00:53:01] DjBubzee > so hows you we job in eve. pays well a guess?
[00:53:06] Ghostbird > excellent m8 ill submit it right now
[00:53:14] DjBubzee > thanks
[00:54:07] Ghostbird > job what u mean ?
[00:54:40] DjBubzee > do you get paid well for this?
[00:54:54] DjBubzee > seems like quite a good co-op
[00:56:08] Ghostbird > ahh we get a share on the loot
[00:56:29] Ghostbird > and some fixed monthly income
[00:57:02] DjBubzee > seem quite gd
[00:57:44] DjBubzee > how long do you suppose i will wait on a reply from you diplo's.
[00:57:54] DjBubzee > or concil
[00:58:00] DjBubzee > council
[00:58:16] Ghostbird > well we got many form to process i think , some days
[00:58:39] Ghostbird > contact me in a week or so pls
[00:59:13] DjBubzee > ok, cheers for your time
[00:59:20] Ghostbird > no prob friend
[00:59:22] Ghostbird > o7

Épico. Nos vemos tras la próxima gate

1 comentario:

  1. De esto yo tambien fui testigo y es uno de mis mejores momentos en eve. Ghost posee una chispa especial para este tipo de cosas.
